It is early Sunday morning but could be any morning, the days are drifting into each other … is that our minds way of coping with this horrid virus that is indiscriminately invading all our lives and taking loved ones.
There is no normal, we are bombarded with sadness, information, and different ways of living our lives. We are brimming with admiration of Key workers and people on the front line risking their lives every minute of the day. Some of us are busier than ever, some of us have more time on our hands than ever before - both states bringing different challenges. Some of us are helping our communities and the most vulnerable in some way. Our emotions are being tested and this can all be exhausting … we need to take time and think about our own well being from time to time.
Like so many, I have been volunteering, coordinating a group to help vulnerable neighbours, and found that I just hit the wall of tiredness - it wasn’t just sleep I needed but to do something I love, I was missing my flowers. I gave myself permission to take time out, I walked around my garden and noticed the Spring flowers that had blossomed beautifully without me even noticing, gathered some blooms locally and spent a little time to make a front door wreath and fill my pots with stunning violet viola’s. Just immersing myself doing something that gives me great joy, and then sharing that with everyone who walks past my door brought me back to a place I could continue managing myself through this unprecedented period of time.
My message to you all … Be Kind to Yourselves, reflect on what is important and stay safe and well.
Best Wishes
Jo x