Happy New Year!
Rewind a year, we couldn’t have imagined in our wildest nightmares the year we have had and still going through. Covid-19 has impacted everyone in one way or another, thankfully there is hope with the vaccine, as we wait let’s focus on the days getting longer albeit a few minutes a day and that Spring is on it’s way. I have already started planning my Spring makes and setting bulbs in wreaths.
Lockdown restrictions mean we have to Stay at Home and Stay Local which is so important we follow to Save Lives and Protect the NHS.
This can be very upsetting if this means you cannot Tend your loved ones grave on a date special to you and your family. It is within the guidelines that I can Tend and lay flowers for you until the restrictions allow you to visit or beyond. My Mum’s grave is in Hampshire, I am in Suffolk so can’t visit and tend due to the distance, it makes me very sad so I know how distressing it is.

If this would help you, please do contact me for a free no obligation discussion for Tending your Loved Ones Grave in Suffolk and Borders. If your special place is outside of my area I could still help putting you in touch with someone locally.
Being able to do for lots of families at Christmas gave me great joy, here are some of them.
Keep safe, warm and dream of Spring
Jo x